Things to do in New Zealand

Cape Reinga/Ninety-Mile Beach
Day bus trip
You can drive your car up to Cape Reinga
It is not recommended that you drive back on Ninety-Mile Beach like the bus tour does
50 Minute drive south on Highway 10
Kemp House and Old Stone Store
Lunch at Tearooms opposite
Good fruit stands along the main road
Bay of lslands
Hour drive south on Highway 10
Cream Cruise - Waitangi Treaty House
Most tours can be booked at Fullers Booking Office in the Mangonui Stationery on the waterfront in Mangonui
Horse Riding on Ninety-Mile Beach
Waitaha Horse Trails on Roma Road Ahipara
Mangonui Pub offers good food after 6 pm
Old Oak Inn just past the Pub specializes in seafood - BYOB
Excellent lunches at Café Nina on the waterfront in Mangonui. Home made soup and good ham rolls.
4-Square Market in Mangonui
Coopers Beach for groceries
Fruits and veggies at the shop just past petrol station in Mangonui
Pak and Save in Kaitaia
Post Office located in the 4-Square Market in Mangonui
Stamps can be purchased and mail received
Receiving mail - your name, General Delivery, Mangonui, Northland, and New Zealand
Taupo Bay is a few kilometers south of Mangonui
Matai Bay on the Karikari peninsula
Beautiful beaches
Good for picnics
Safe for swimming
Craft shop is in Mangonui near the wharf
Glow-worm Nocturnal Park
Turn off at Taipa
Take a picnic
Wait for dark
View the glow-worms and Kiwi birds
Taupo Bay, just south of Mangonui. Pretty spot, best on easterly swells with west winds.
Shipwrecks/Ninety-Mile Beach
Drive 30 minutes through Ahipara, the south end of Ninety-Mile Beach
Shipwrecks is the first point
If that is not breaking, drive around the rocks
Can be rough the first 100 meters
Beautiful stretches of beach and world class waves
Canoes - Dinghies - Windsurfers - Kayaks
Aquapulse Surf Shop in Kaitaia
Mangonui Pier or Deep Sea Fishing. Boats leave from Mangonui. Either Leilani or Happy Hooker.
More fishing in the Bay of lslands
Rangikapiti Maori Pa just behind the house. Beautiful 360 view.
Coopers Beach just below the house
Mangonui Harbor. Walk to the end of Rangikapiti Road and down the track.